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Volunteer Opportunities

Fit-2-Serve is almost completely volunteer-based. We could not do what we do without our volunteers! We value & appreciate each person who spends their time serving the community with us. 

Our mission is to equip others for works of service. We do this by offering plenty of volunteer opportunities through our Community Bridges programming & garden maintenance. 

To become a volunteer please fill out the questionnaire below or call us directly.

Become a Volunteer

Interested in volunteering? Click the link to begin your volunteer journey with us!

Volunteer Sign-Up

Have questions? Contact us!

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217-235-3839 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What do CB volunteers do?

Those who volunteer for one of our Community Bridges programs, typically volunteer to lead a group of 3-8 students in an activity. This can include making a craft, playing a game, planting a seed, following a recipe, etc.

We ask that volunteers arrive 15 minutes before the program begins so we can go over the activity together to ensure the volunteer is confident & equipped to lead said activity.

Are there requirements for becoming a volunteer?

Most of our volunteers are members of the community, parents, retired teachers, or college students. Volunteers are provided instruction to lead & facilitate a station prior to arrival. There are no special requirements for our volunteers, who assist us at our facilities, but we may ask a few questions to ensure we are a good match for one another! For programs held in the classrooms, a background check is required. 

Can I do my internship at Fit-2-Serve?

Yes! In fact, we have provided internship opportunities to several students over the years. It must be approved by your instructor, & you would be asked to meet & interview with the Fit-2-Serve team to determine if it would be a good fit for all parties.

Are there any open positions?

Currently, Fit-2-Serve partners with AmeriCorps to host VISTA positions. We have full-time positions available as well as 8-10 week Summer VISTA positions available.

Click here for more information on AmeriCorps VISTA positions.

How else can I get involved besides volunteering for a CB program?

There are other ways of getting involved besides volunteering for the Community Bridges programming. If a volunteer would prefer behind-the-scenes work, most of our programs require prep work (cutting for craft activities, kitchen prep for Farm-2-Table, etc.).

During garden season, F2S depends on volunteers to maintain our gardens. If you enjoy being outdoors, this would be a perfect opportunity to 'give back' to the community!

Volunteer Testimonials 

I began serving with F2T initially because there was a need for volunteers & I had availability in my schedule, but I initially had no idea what I had volunteered for! I was very impressed with the F2T program from the beginning. I was especially impressed with the format. As a former teacher, I enjoy the opportunity to engage with students. I appreciated the ability to interact with the students in a smaller group setting (most classes were divided into groups of 4-6 students) for small bursts of time. This format allowed for more interaction with students individually, but in a time frame that held their attention, which maximized the quality of that time. It was amazing to see the difference in students from beginning to end - the amount of knowledge they garnered in a short time was amazing. Students also had the opportunity for self-discovery of food likes/dislikes & being exposed to new foods & methods of preparation that aren't usually encountered in the average American home. Students in the F2T program get a hands-on opportunity to better themselves & their families through nutrition education & awareness that is unique & rare - it is no surprise that most teachers in the school district want their students to participate!



Hi! My name is Jana. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, and I love volunteering at Farm-2-Table! I learned about Farm-2-Table when Truth and Grace asked for volunteers to help once a month. I nervously showed up my first time and met a group of students that would become my special little friends over the next 9 months. I worked with Mrs. Sharp’s class every month. Then I learned about Mrs. Hall’s friends, and I began volunteering more often. Every visit is a chance to help students grow emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Thank you, Farm-2-Table, for giving me the opportunity to grow as well!



I can't say how much I've loved being a part of Farm-2-Table & having the opportunity to help our local children learn and grow. It's very rewarding to watch the kids take in new information & know I helped make that happen. This program, along with all other Fit-2-Serve programs for local youth, truly make a difference in our community & benefit all children (& volunteers!) who take part in them! They encourage children to be active learners & truly understand the material.

Volunteering with Fit-2-Serve is an experience I wouldn't trade for the world.



I loved volunteering at Farm-2-Table. The program is amazing and interactive. I love seeing the students engage in the lessons and try new things. Students were always so happy to be there and learn. Volunteering was such an exciting opportunity, I can't wait to volunteer again!



I love going to help with Learn-2-Grow, because it's a change of pace from my work life. The energy the kids give is just amazing!!! For the short time I'm there teaching them & interacting with them, it seems like nothing else matters but the activity we are doing!! When the kids see me outside of school they come up & say "hi" & give hugs & it just makes you feel good to give back!!! Whether we realize it or not the relationship & trust they find in us carries on outside of the class room & I always want them to feel important! In all honesty, they are our future & if we don't invest just time in them, how can we expect them to succeed!?

Amanda Perdomo


From the first day of kindergarten for our son at Ashmore Elementary, I was smitten with the school, the teachers, the staff. When I heard and learned more about the Community Bridges program, I was intrigued by the concept of empowering kids through gardening and farming concepts. With a strong desire to create and implement a program that was more exportable to other communities, I knew in my heart that Ashmore would be the perfect place to pilot this program. The last year has been filled with so much learning and laughter, exposure to new things, learning how things work through book readings, and crafts, and activities. We have found volunteers that love to pour into the Ashmore kids every month, and the kids walk away from our classes with the biggest smiles on their faces. Now when I see them in the school, they ask when they will get to come back to the community center for another lesson. This launch into Ashmore has been one of the biggest blessings to Fit-2-Serve, the Ashmore School, the Ashmore community, and most importantly to the kids that attend Ashmore. I couldn’t be more proud of the work that we have done, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds at Ashmore or at other communities that want to implement a similar program within their school.

Jennifer Hendrickson

Community Leader

Volunteers in Action

Business Hours

  • Monday - Friday

    10:00am – 04:00pm

  • Saturday - Sunday



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